Household Tasks

Home Daily Tasks/Shared Living
Where Caring is a way of Life

Daily Task / Shared Living

This service includes temporary or continuous support with and/or supervision of daily living activities in a shared living setting, with an emphasis on helping each person gain the skills they need to live as independently as possible. Additionally, this support program offers temporary housing and help. We recognize that maintaining independence might occasionally seem unattainable, but with our help, it is doable.
Our knowledgeable team will assist you in every way, from training you to live with people while making sure you can fulfill your household duties, helping you move into a new home, or even helping you with everyday tasks like getting dressed, cooking meals, and living your life independently.

Part for Life

We can help you with

Teaching you how to live with others and making sure you can handle your responsibilities around the house.

We'll even help you move if it's your first time living on your own or in shared housing.

But most importantly, we'll teach you how to live well on your own and support you with the basic everyday tasks like getting ready each morning, making healthy meals, and living life to the fullest.